╔═════════════════╗ Claiming Land ╚═════════════════╝
You must claim land before you can build!
(This keeps our world clean and free from griefing. Use the Resource World to gather materials!)
To claim land, right click the opposite corners of an area with a golden shovel. Claim area must be at least 100 blocks in size and at least 5 blocks wide.
You can check your claimed area by right clicking with a stick.
Gold blocks and Glowstone will appear to show the outline of the claim.
To expand your claim, right click a corner with your golden shovel (twice) then right click again on the block which you’d like to expand to.
To check your total claim blocks, type /claimslist - this will show you where all of your claims are as well, be sure to /sethome homename at your claim so you can /home homename to get back to it!)
If you want to share your claim with another player, use:
/trust playername - to allow them to access everything, including chests and to build on your claim.
/accesstrust playername - to allow them to use buttons, levers, doors, and trap doors on your claim.
/containertrust playername - to allow them to access chests and shulkers in your claim.
/permissionstrust playername - to allow them to access /trustlist and add other players trust to your claim.
/trustlist - gives you a list of who is trusted on your claim and which type of trust they have.
(be very careful who you /trust in your claim!)
Please allow at least 50 blocks of space between your claim and nearby claims, there's plenty of room out there!